At the end of a long day and a rough bedtime, I force myself to head downstairs to the kitchen sink emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted. As I’m cleaning up the left-overs and the other left overs I can’t help but complain in my head. Complain about my long day, the work I still have to do and the work I won’t get to tonight.
But Truth, pushing it’s way to the front of a noisy, miserable crowd of my mind, proclaimed this question:
Since when is life all about you? And even more, since when was motherhood all about you?
See, in a world of entitlement and privilege I guess I lost sight of what it means to be a Mom. And even worse, I guess I lost sight of what it means to be a Christian. The words of my Savior washed gently over my mind and rang sweetly in my soul:
“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
“Everyone who loses their life for my sake will find it.”
“Take up our cross and follow me.”
“Whatever you did for the least of these you did for me.”
I think this is why Jesus chose to wash the disciples feet. Jesus said to Peter, “Those who have had a bath, need only to wash their feet and their whole body will be clean.”
As Christians, we may be cleansed in a “bath” sense, meaning we have received the forgiveness of sin through our faith in Christ. This is an eternal washing away of our sin.
But daily…
I don’t know about you, but I get a lot of dirt on my feet on a daily basis. I pick up a lot of disappointment. I pick up a lot of selfishness and grumbling. Sometimes I get stuck in the thick mud of complaining.
I’m so thankful to my Jesus that He washes my feet. All I need to do is sit with Him and let Him.