Here is a guest post from my driven and passionate friend Hannah Bender. May the Holy Spirit stir DEEP within you as you read her words.
To the American Church,
The world is following the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The news is inundating us, with notifications constantly popping up on our mobile devices; it is something that will go down in history. This virus has our attention. It can become fixating, overwhelming, and for some is even evoking fear. People are shaken, medical professionals are stirred,the economy and stock market is unsteady, and our government and nation’s focus has shifted to this national emergency.
COVID-19 is something to be watching, but how are we forgetting about something even larger that should have us shaking, stirring, and fully fixated? There is a different disease hitting 100% of the human race, with a 100% mortality rate. It is called sin and we will all face a physical death here on earth; no one is exempt.
When that moment comes, each person will face eternity. This is truly a pandemic many are completely unprepared for!
As believers in Jesus Christ, why are we not consumed with the gospel? We are guilty of being the worst hoarders of all. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused a surge to stores, clearing out sanitizing products and toilet paper. However, we hoard something of greater value than our stockpiles (1 Peter 1:7), and we are much more selfish by not sharing it since our supply is endless (John 4:14-15). We hoard the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, taking it into our own self made quarantine. We isolate ourselves to safe places where we can stay comfortable.
But why are we hoarding what we know?
Why are we quarantining ourselves and isolating from the rest of the world? Why are we afraid when we already know the way to life rather than death? Have we been deceived into thinking this message is only for Sundays, Church, and Bible study? Do we excuse ourselves from speaking the truth of Jesus Christ because we hope people will read our minds? Do we even look any different than others around us?
What if we came out of hiding, and began giving from our stockpiles (Luke 12:13-21)? What if the map of the COVID-19 spread, was a map of the gospel spreading? What if the Gospel was more contagious than this national emergency?
It is designed to be contagious and spread at exponential rates.
It is as simple as choosing to speak, taking the step of faith out of our Chrisitan quarantine, putting down our worldly fear, and picking up a reverent fear of the Lord. Imagine if we used every resource, platform, or relationship to advance the Gospel rather than hinder it.
All we need to do is take a step of faith, out of our quarantine.
This starts by looking at Jesus who already made us clean, and then looking at His Father who made the world.
We must not give fear control, but give up control to the one who controls the universe. It is time to stop hoarding and come out of quarantine. The saving cure was meant to break us free.
We must stop hiding and hoarding! This wake up call is not just for leaders and pastors, it’s for all people who believe Jesus is the Son of God. No matter your title or status, no excuses. 100% of the human race will die and stand before the creator of the heavens and the earth to face eternity. At that moment, what will we say we have done with our belief in Jesus, and what have we done with all that He has given us?
Let this Coronavirus (COVID-19) shake you, and wake you up, not out of fear of a disease, but out of a fear of the Lord.
Let it ignite a fire in you as you watch the infection spread on the map.
Be reminded that the gospel can, and should, be spread just as quickly and that we are NOT to be the ones stifling its progress. Know this is life or death for everyone, not just a few. The world is at stake! The resources and skills we have are not our own, and we have more than we need to make a difference.
To Him Be Glory,
Hannah Bender