End-times Dreams and Memorization
More than 10 years ago, I started a list of verses I wanted our children to memorize. I had no formal plan, just whenever I came across a verse in my reading that I thought would be good for memorization, I would write it down on our ‘master list’ of verses.
Today there are well over 50 verses and passages that the kids have memorized.
Not a pat on the back
I don’t tell you all of this to pat myself on the back! Here’s why I started this:
I had several dreams that were very… end-times in nature. Dreams that involved some kind of catastrophe on a worldwide scale. In typically dream fashion, I could not find or be with all my children at once.
Because of those dreams, I realized that there are things I want my children to know even when I cannot be there to tell them. In my absence, the best gift I can give them is that they would have truth stored in their brain to take with them everywhere they go.
And so began a list of memory verses. Here and there we add a new one to the list and these days, the kids are adding verses to the list on their own. To be sure they don’t get forgotten, we make it our goal to review the whole list a few times a month.
Be on the look out
Through the next few blogs, I’ll be sharing some of the verse we have memorized. Here’s what you can look forward to:
-12 Verses that are theological in nature.
-6 Verses on God’s character
-6 Verses of instruction
I encourage you to use this as a resource for you to begin your own master list of verses or add these to a list you already have!