“What sets you apart from other Christian speakers and writers?” This is a dreaded question for me. And what’s worse is the pressing thought that maybe nothing sets me apart! Maybe I am not unique. Maybe I am just like a million other Christian women.
“You just don’t like it because it’s not unique.” This has been said to me too many times to count, upon my rejection of something perfectly good. I’ll admit, I don’t like typical, I don’t find much joy in average, status quo, trendy, etc. In fact, perhaps the most insulting thing you could say to me is, “Oh! I met this woman who is just like you!” Clearly I have a problem.
But deep down I know the truth; would it be so bad if I am just like a million other Christian women? Well to a publisher, yes, but to myself, no.
One of my deepest prayers of surrender went something like this, “Lord, if you want me to be like everyone else, if you want me to be a nobody and be totally ordinary, I’ll do it.” I had come to the realization that my life is meant to glorify God. I am not the main character. If I am but a pawn, if I am to be a factory worker doing the same routine each day, if I do nothing more than raise my children, love my husband and seek to live a Godly life, I will choose to be satisfied! What Christ has already done on the cross is more than enough and everything I need is found in Him.
So back to that dreaded question of what sets me apart. Well, unfortunately, I have to muster up a bit of courage just to answer the first question I’m often asked: “Do you work outside the home?” My response is something like, “Sort of… I’ve recently started blogging and speaking… to Christian women… and sometimes teens…” Clearly I have room to grow when it comes to giving a confident answer.
So what sets me apart? Well, I don’t know. That’s the truth. And that’s OK. I may be just like everyone else, but I’ve come to realize that’s not such a terrible thing.
If at the end of my seminar people mostly remember me, then I’ve done something wrong. If at the end of listening to me speak, one is only impressed by me, then surely I have fallen short. If I have not implored others to leave marveling at God’s greatness, pondering the beauty of the Trinity and delighting in the gift of forgiveness and redemption, then I have certainly failed.
So at the risk of “being like everyone else,” at the risk of not being unique, I will seek to be forgotten. But isn’t that the point? God must be glorified. God must be magnified. I will work to make Him famous and Him alone.