Everyone seems to be more than ready to forget 2020! But I’m not ready to move on.
I don’t think you should either.
Experience doesn’t equal maturity.
Just because we’ve experienced a lot in 2020 doesn’t mean we’ve grown. We only mature when we learn from our experiences.
When we rush to move forward and forget about the past we skip a valuable step and deny ourselves the chance to grow.
What is the universal advice for someone just coming out of a serious relationship? Don’t jump into a new one!!
It’s so common for people to move on too quickly we have a name for it: REBOUNDING!!
So what am I suggesting?
Don’t rebound into 2021. We’ve all just come out of some serious stuff. Take time to debrief!!
What have you learned? How have the events of this year effected your heart?
For many people, including myself, it feels as though life happened TO us this past year. There were so many things beyond our control that affected us.
In my family alone we’ve experienced: two family deaths, a major concussion, a job change, buying a house, moving, a best friend moving away, and an illness that has lasted over 6 months. All that is in addition to the numerous changes brought on by Covid.
Think and pray through the past year’s events. Ask yourself and God hard questions so you can move into 2021 a healthy and more mature you!
If you’ve never prayed through events with God before then I’m really excited for you.
This is going to be great. I put together some GREAT questions here to help you debrief.
Grab a tea, close the door and ask God to come sit with you.