It’d be cooler if we were meeting someplace other than here…
but I suppose this will do.
Whelp, I’ll go first.
Most of the people in my life call me “Mommy.”
That might be awkward for you though.
So you can just call me Erica.
I discovered a passion for speaking when I was younger. In those days that looked like starting food fights, and getting detention.
True story:
I really did start a food fight. I got ‘indefinitely‘ suspended.
The BEST part- I didn’t know what ‘indefinitely’ meant!
Real Life:
I became pregnant at 17 and married shortly after. It was while we were trapped in poverty for seven years, that I made a major discovery.
You know what I learned in that hard, lonely place?
[This is where you lean in a little.]
God is enough.
I’m not enough, my husband is not enough, my kids are not enough, me trying to be a great mom is not enough,
but God.
Can someone say “Glory!”
We couldn’t go many places (gas $)
We couldn’t buy more than basic food (#toomuchRamen)
I was home all day with 1, 2, then 3 kids, but guess what?
God and His Word satisfied my soul!
So that’s me.
Now All I can do is talk about it.
By God’s grace, the passion to speak has led to encouraging women to seek God and the truth found in his word (not toss their food.)
Today, my husband is on staff at our local church, we have 5 beautiful children and together we lead monthly prayer and worship gatherings.
Most of the time, I’m a just a mamma in her robe, loving, cleaning and laughing.
What brings you joy? What are your favorite verses? What struggles are you facing in this season?
Don’t worry. NO commitment here. This is just to get a conversation started!