The only A+ I received in eighth grade was for a speaking project in English.
Our assignment was to teach the class how to do something. We needed to have a clever opening followed by an engaging step-by-step demonstration.
Inspired by the Reese’s commercials of the 90’s, I opened my presentation by saying, “This is how gymnast, Erica Parker eats a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.” I then did a one-handed cart-wheel while taking a bite of the peanut butter cup. For the rest of my presentation I proceeded to teach a cart-wheel via a series of stick figure drawings projected on an over-head.
I received the highest score in the entire class. This was not only unusual, it was unheard of. The kind of recognition I was accustomed to involved my name being written on the chalk board under the heading: After-School Detention. Ironically, both forms of recognition were due to speaking, in the one case, an engaging presentation, and in the many other cases, speaking that led to distracting my classmates.
That is just one of many stories that has contributed to the journey I am now on.
Just over two years ago I started a speaking odyssey. My goal: To speak once a month for three years.
For three years I would seek to learn, grow and build a foundation for being a Christian speaker. More than anything, this has meant learning how to read the Scriptures with depth and care, then communicate faithfully and clearly from them.
It has also looked like intentionally holding back from getting ahead of myself. I’ve turned down opportunities that would’ve crowded my schedule or stretched my family too much. I’ve refrained from putting money into speaking beyond what was absolutely necessary. And as hard as it was, I pushed back attending speaking/writing conferences until the time was just right.
I am in year three of this journey and God has BLOWN MY MIND. I’m more in love with His Word now then I have ever been. I’ve grown to love the study and preparation that goes into speaking as much as the speaking itself, if not more. It brings me great excitement when I see things I never saw before, and understand new concepts that I would have missed if I wasn’t looking. I always begin with this question: God, what is your heart for (whoever I will be speaking to i.e., teens, women, mothers, etc.) and what do you want to communicate to them?
God has shown me the power of words, therefore, I tremble before speaking.
As much as I love a casual, stool-sitting presentation, it is no small thing to teach the Bible and speak as if speaking the very words of God (1 Peter 4:11). If I could possibly sum up my prayers prior to the podium they are:
Let me be in awe of you
Accompany my human words with the power and intensity of the Holy Spirit.
Though there are many passages of Scripture I cling to before speaking, my favorite is Exodus 33:15
“If your presence does not go with me, then do not lead us up from here.”
Moses knew there was no point in journeying any further unless God’s power, love and presence went with him. I couldn’t agree more.