6 months after Christmas, the parts are missing, the batteries are dead and the handle is broken. True story.
Sure, plastic toys have their place, but why not give gifts that will provoke your children to WONDER?! We can actually help our children look at the world with big, curious eyes through the gifts we give.
Here’s my list
(NOOOO affiliate links, just good ol’ mom-to-mom advice here. Most links are AMAZON, but OBVIOUSLY if you can buy it locally that’s a good call.)
BUT you can do me a solid- LEAVE A COMMENT if you get something from the list
and SHARE this with friends and grandparents!)
(Do yourself a favor here and get a quality pair!)
(This one is a little funky, but you could go traditional too.) We’ve had several any farms over the years and the kids always love it. If you’ve tried the ant farm before, maybe go for a butterfly garden!
I don’t know why but I LOOOVE our geode kit! You get to break one rocks to find crystals have been growing inside for who knows how long. Serious fun. With an emphasis on SERIOUS. You will need safety goggles and a real hammer to get these babies open.
NOTE* Target sells a 2 rock kit… don’t bother. You’ll want TEN! For one, not all of them are impressive and for two, it took us a few rocks just to get the hang of opening them without just smashing the whole rock.
I’m going to recommend National Geographic because that will arrive to you before Christmas, but there are a few other good brands that get great reviews.
These will be so fun to grow and you’ll be able to keep what you want!
Something like this is perfect! Who has ever been handed a rock by there 3 year old who said, “Mommy look! It’s for you!” That instinct that little children have to notice the small details of life is so precious. Why not encourage that by giving them a place they can keep neat things they find!
My children have a natural eye to see and find neat things simple because I’ve encouraged them to LOOK! Here’s what our family collection looks like. We have rocks, pine cones, and all kind of things from the different walks and trips we’ve taken.
What’s not to like here?? What provokes wonder like showing your kids that there is a WHOLE other world that they cannot see with their natural eyes!
Again- don’t get a KIDS version of this. Get the real deal!
Though its been in my ‘amazon cart’ I haven’t actually bought them one yet! But every time we’ve been to a museum that has a giant microscope the kids fight over it. “What does my hand look like?” “What does that thread look like?” “Put your hair in there!”
Specifically books that either help you see things in a beautiful way, like this gorgeous book about seeds, (the whole series here) or books that give you a ‘inside look’ look at what we take for granted every day!
I’d recommend a ‘beginners’ telescope, but be prepared to spend some cash. Don’t waste you money with the $45 kid one.
Similar to the binoculars and the microscope, these tools help your children to be fascinated with the world around them, and rightly so!
Creation is bursting with wonders and beauty all the time! Let’s help our children not only see it, but look for it themselves!
What toys have provoked your kids to be curious about the world?
Comment below if buy something from this list or want to add to it!
We got our boys a bird book and binoculars last Christmas, and they use them all year round. And we are getting Jacob a microscope this Christmas! Great list! One other item I would add (which I know you know already with your watercolor phone case) is anything art related! Paints, colored pencils, play-doh, clay, and of course instruments! 🙂
OH Yes, good call Gregory! Art supplies is a good addition!