Sometimes when we’re facing problems or struggles our inclination is to face the problem head-on and come up with a solution, a conclusion or changes of some kind to make things better.
While this may be appropriate at times, I encourage you to take a different approach. Below are 4 simple things to keep in mind while seeking God for answers:
1. Don’t be surprised if God doesn’t show you the whole picture, but rather a single step.
I can’t tell you how many times in my life I desperately wanted to see and understand the BIG picture, but God only showed me one step at a time.
My pastor used to say that just like a boat follows lighthouses one by one along the shore, sometimes God lights the way just enough for us to keep moving. God doesn’t always show us where we are headed, but asks for our obedience and trust to take a single step, without always knowing where it will lead.
2. Trust God to work all things for our good.
Don’t put too much weight on a single each step and thus paralyze yourself. The bible tell us that God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purposes. Likewise, it says:
The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. –Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)
When our hearts are toward Him, He will make right our plans, even if they are not perfect. Sometimes the most trusting thing we can do is to make a decision even when we’re unsure and trust God to work it out and direct it.
3. Waiting is relative and purposeful.
The bible mentions waiting on God over 100 times. In our culture it can seem like a long time to wait a week. I suspect God calls us to wait on Him far more then we realize or are willing to admit. Is God asking you to wait on Him in this season? If so, remember that waiting is still active. You will grow in patience and longevity, characteristics that are of great value and very rare these days.
“No one who waits for you will be discouraged.” -Psalm 25:3 (HCSB)
4. Seek God for God, not for answers.
Recently, I was in a season where I had many questions (some of which are still unanswered). One night I was complaining to God in prayer, searching and searching for some kind of answer or resolution. Then, very clearly, the Holy Spirit said, “I want you to seek Me for Me, not for answers.” It was a powerful reminder that the satisfaction that comes from knowing Him is greater then any “answers.” That night I gained perspective, clarity, and a sense of deep satisfaction that stayed with me for a long time.
In all of our searching for answers, steps, what we should be doing, what choices we should be making, etc., God is searching for one thing:
“For the eyes of Yahweh roam throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His.” -2 Chronicles 16:9 (HCSB)
Our whole life is about loving Him and being faithful to Him. Decisions are important, but don’t put too much weight on individual decisions and forget the ultimate purpose of our being. Above all, draw close to Him with all your heart and regardless of your decision, your waiting or your steps, be obedient to His highest calling:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength.” -Deuteronomy 6:5