Whatever God has put in front of you in this season, I urge you to remember these two lines:
“Go in the strength you have” and “I will be with you.”
Judges 6:14, 16
God spoke these words to a man who was hiding, frustrated and doubting. Not just doubting his own abilities, but doubting God’s.
When God said, “Go in the strength you have,” it was an acknowledgement that Gideon didn’t have all the strength….only some.
Next, He says, “I will be with you.” In other words, the ‘some’ Gideon had was enough…because He would be with him.
So what is it? What has He put in front of you?
Is it being a mom to the littles around you? Is it juggling multiple responsibilities all the time? Is it running a business or ministry? Is it loving your difficult neighbor? Is it getting up each day and loving those in front of you even though you’re doubting, longing and secretly very frustrated?
No, you don’t have it all. You don’t have all the patience. You don’t have all the wisdom. You don’t have all the resources. You don’t have all the hope, optimism, or energy.
You only have SOME.
Just bring that SOME.
He will be with you and will take care of the rest.